House disappears in the light of day!
Other individuals surveyed in the area appeared to have no memory of the house’s existence in the first place.

Stockholm city residents were shocked by a rather bizarre event this weekend. A well known three-story building in the very heart of our city on Malmskillnadsgatan appears to have vanished without a trace. The news broke around noon on Saturday, as a resident was heading home and she found not only the front door to be missing, but the entirety of the building. It would seem the disappearing house left nothing behind — apart from an unnaturally large empty space, and a deeply perplexed community.

Police arrived at the scene not long after the incident occurred, but eye witnesses provided varying descriptions of what happened that morning. According to some, the house in question was simply "there, until it wasn't".

Other individuals surveyed in the area appeared to have no memory of the house’s existence in the first place.

“I don’t believe it”, said Berta Anderson who runs the bakery across the street (the one with the award-winning cinnamon buns).

“I’ve lived in [Stockholm] for more than 50 years and there’s never been a thee-story building there, I swear it.”

Arkiv Uplandia tried to reach one of the supposed tenants of the missing house to no success, as they seemed much too shaken by the structure’s disappearance.

These discrepancies have only served to deepen the confusion surrounding the area. Locals appear worried — will their house be next? More on this story as it develops.

Harriet Rask

Scandinavia’s sharpest reporter. Born and raised in Småland, Rask has a wide range of skills that have proved beneficial to her line of work. She is constantly on the move and the Arkiv editors have found her contributed articles in envelopes, bottles carried by the sea and hidden in telephone boxes across the country.